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Rainy Day Savings

Rainy Day Savings
Applications are Now Open for Academic Year 2024 / 2025 Rainy Day Savings

We are excited to announce that the Rainy Day Savings Program for UNC Charlotte students brought to you by Niner Finances and Truliant is back for a 2nd year!   

The term 'rainy day savings' refers to the practice of setting aside money for unexpected expenses or emergencies.  Our goal for Rainy Day Savings is to help students begin building an emergency fund through incentives that they can earn for displaying good financial habits. 

“Truliant is proud to support Niner Finances and we look forward to seeing Charlotte students like you take advantage of this opportunity to build confidence, reduce financial stress and improve personal banking habits,” said Atticus Simpson, Executive Director of the Truliant Foundation. “We know it’s tough to save, especially as a college student. We hope this program helps make it easier for you, while also growing your skills to build a financially sound future.”

Under the UNC Charlotte Rainy Day Savings program, students will be eligible to receive increments of $50 incentives based on positive financial behaviors up to a total of $200. These behaviors will include activities such as completing the FAFSA, participating in a one-on-one financial coaching session with Niner Finances, attending workshops hosted by Niner Finances and the program sponsor, Truliant Federal Credit Union, or other activities identified by the program administration.

For this first cohort of Rainy Day Savings participants, the following criteria applies: 

  • You must be a First Generation or Pell eligible student that is at least 18 years old
  • In good academic standing
  • Enrolled in at least 6 credit hours for spring and fall 2023 and seeking a degree or certificate at UNCC.
  • Have a savings account or be eligible to set up a savings account
  • Have a social security number and a valid form of identification

The application has been reopened and will be available through September 1st at the following link: Rainy Day Savings Application

Please contact if you have any questions.